Gerry Cleary is a Chartered Accountant and Financial Controller with Galway International Arts Festival (GIAF)
Gerry Cleary is a Chartered Accountant and Financial Controller with Galway International Arts Festival (GIAF), one of Ireland’s largest arts organisations. He has also worked with a number of other not for profit organisations in Galway including Baboró International Arts Festival for Children. In his role with GIAF, Gerry is responsible for financial control, financial reporting and accounting with specific responsibility for audit, governance and budget. Gerry received a B Comm. from University of Galway and Dip. in Professional Accounting from UCD. He trained with accountancy firm Arthur Andersen in Dublin. He worked in the US for a number of years with Arthur Andersen and law firm Mayer Brown, and in Ireland with Ryanair and technology company Nortel. He is a board member with Galway Simon Community CLG who provide support and accommodation services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in the West of Ireland.