The mission of EIT Culture & Creativity is to support innovations so that CCSI can become a game changer for green, digital and social transition. It does so by cross-fertizilation of the next level, not only across sectors, but cross-national, cross-disciplines, cross-administrations, policy silos and across education, business and research. An example: It provides the largest tech transfer network in Europe for CCSI with leading RTOs, such as RI.SE, eurecat, technalia, Fraunhofer and CNR. More specifically EIT Culture & Creativity collaborates with EIT Climate to leverage the impact of CCSI for NetZeroCities, to this end 10 pilot cities are identified in 2023 to run pilots in 2024. The EIT Culture & Creativity and PACESETTER can build on this and have an immediate concrete impact. The EIT Culture & Creativity Policy Club is the flagship initiative to bring together around 500 policy makers in cities and regions and nations who are driving and implementing innovative frameworks and regulations and procurement in CCSI - with a special focus on the green transition. This will also leverage and support PACESETTER.