The EMDM EX-MIND Project aims at developing an innovative transnational Master Programme based on the
Extended Mind paradigm applied to design. It will integrate architecture, urban planning, neuroscience,
cognitive studies, and behavioural economics to train professional students with an innovative vision of "welness" based on a new relationship between human mind, behaviours, environment and architectural and
urban spaces.
The project was born from a long lasting partnership among Italy (IT), Spain (SP), Slovenia (SI), Bosnia and Herzegovina (BH), Armenia (AM), HEls already involved in an Erasmus+ TACSEEM project since 2020. This network was extended with some of the European university centres of excellence ni neuroscience and behavioural sciences applied to art and culture such as Netherlands (NL), Sweden (SE), Czechia (CZ). The partnership will also involve other underrepresented third countries such as Albania (AL).
The objectives of the project are:
1) to broaden the background knowledge on extended mind paradigm applied to design by
involving the best HEls working on the topic
2) to develop an innovative training paradigm based on extended mind models applied to wellness in architecture and urban design
3) to help the best students to acquire a new mental environment, aimed at designing spaces and processes to stimulate socio-behavioural change.
The EMDM EX-MIND project envisions a new didactic paradigm able to link the disciplines of design to the dynamics of behavioural changes necessary to respond to the great themes of present challenges and complexities (climate mitigation and adaptation, fluxes of migrations, midsized cities transitions, etc.). tI will
contribute to this vision by connecting al the best HEls who are working on the topic, through an exploratory analysis and an international conference. A Master test will be also conducted during a Summer School in the city of Pescara. Ajoint Master Programme and joint administrative procedures will be issued by the end of the
Principal Investigator: Prof. Lorenzo Pignatti Morano