Florian Schneider is professor at NTNU and coordinator of PACESETTERS.
Mari Sanden is a PhD candidate at the Trondheim Academy of Fine Arts, NTNU.
PACESETTERS is research and innovation through art and culture, rather than about it. Its three main research questions are: 1. How to turn the fragmentation of the cultural and creative sectors from a weakness into a strength? 2. How to reframe the urgencies of the climate transition from challenges into opportunities? 3. How to de- and re-contextualise innovation and find out what it means today to create something new? PACESETTERS sets out to turn these three main research questions into innovative, creative practices through 12 Creative Case Studies, three Real World Laboratories, and Evaluation and Support Frameworks, as their result. The research project explores new ways of working together which allow us to rethink impact, quality and value. It aims at frameworks of co-agency and creative confidence.
Photo: Bruce Sampson/NTNU