How can art and culture, heritage and creativity drive the climate transition?
We are delighted to invite you to join us in preparing an important first milestone in the PACESETTERS research process.
On Monday 17 June and 1 July at 1500 CEST, we have scheduled two sessions to gather input and feedback on the Open Call for Emerging, Advanced and Novel Practices. This call will be published soon and will be accompanied by a very simple survey to gather basic information about ideas and experiences, proposals and projects - whether they are completed, in progress or not yet started.
As a first step, we want to collect good examples and lessons learned, failures and success stories, new ideas and practical proposals from all fields: from architecture to music, from design to literature, from fashion to coding, from theatre to game development.
The idea is to learn as much as possible from what has already been proposed, tried or implemented. This includes
- Analysing and demonstrating the impact of these efforts to encourage uptake;
- Translating and transferring experience across sectors, actors and disciplines;
- Stimulating and inspiring new ideas and novel approaches.
We will document, map and visualise the full range of different efforts in the field of arts, culture and creativity to respond to the challenges of climate change. The result will be an interactive map of projects and proposals from all cultural and creative sectors.
Please register for the information sessions in the calendar on the PACESETTERS website by clicking on the Zoom link at the bottom of the page.
We would also like to draw your attention to two other events:
The Galway International Arts Festival takes place from 15 to 28 July. Over the next two years the festival will serve as one of the three PACESETTERS Real World Laboratories. This year we will be launching PACESETTERS in a special session on 18 July at 4pm (Irish time).
On 18-19 September 2024, PACESETTERS will contribute to the European Creative Skills Week in Amsterdam, together with its two sister projects also funded by Horizon Europe in the same cluster: CRAFT-IT4SD and STRATEGIES. Please save the date!