Project officer at the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces
Antonio was born in San Fernando (Cádiz) in Andalusia (Spain). He holds a degree in Law and a degree in Management and Business Administration from the University of Pablo de Olavide (Seville). He studied the master’s in international relations and diplomacy at the Spanish Diplomatic School and did the linked internship at the Spanish Embassy in Cairo (Egypt). His training was completed with stays in Paris (Erasmus) and Bordeaux (Leornardo). His professional career has been developed in the regional government of Andalusia as a project officer in the General Secretariat of External Affairs and currently in the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FAMP) as a manager of European projects in the department of programmes, equality policies and networks. He has managed transnational projects in the framework of Interreg Med, ENI CBC MED and Life programmes, all these projects always with a multilevel governance approach and very close to the local perspective of the municipalities, bringing EU initiatives closer to them.