Valid from March 2024. Last updated: 30 June 2024.

1. What is Personal Information?

Personal information is any type of data, information or assessment that can be associated with you as an individual. Data is considered personal information if it can be used to identify a specific individual, either directly or indirectly.

Personal information should not be confused with sensitive information such as medical conditions or sexual orientation. PACESETTERS.EU will never ask you to register sensitive information. Never provide sensitive information to PACESETTERS.EU yourself (for example, by filling in text boxes or uploading attachments that contain sensitive information).

2. Why do we collect personal data?

PACESETTERS.EU aims to connect artists and creatives with academia, industry and policy makers. Our services are aimed at artists and creatives who wish to engage with, participate in and contribute to research activities, and access research results. In order for us to provide you with these services, you will need to create a personal user account on the PACESETTERS.EU website and provide relevant information about yourself and/or the project or organisation you represent.

3. What personal data do we collect?

The minimum information required to create a user profile is your first name, last name, email address and basic information about your current position. Some features of PACESETTERS.EU cannot be used until the profile is completed with this minimum information and the email address is validated.

We also collect metadata related to the profile, such as the time of registration, last login, whether the email address has been validated and to whom the profile should be visible.

In addition, we encourage all users to complete their profile, including a profile picture, contact information, as well as information about your current location, education, work history, LinkedIn profile, personal websites or resume. 

4. How PACESETTERS.EU processes personal information

In order to create a profile on PACESETTERS.EU, you must confirm that you have read and agree to our  Terms of Service, and our Privacy Statement.

We would also like to send you newsletters and user surveys. Your consent to this will be given via your profile page or "My Account" when logged in, or by signing up via our newsletter sign up form. Consent can be withdrawn at any time.

You must log in to view details about users on PACESETTERS.EU. Users can choose to hide the details of their profile from other users on PACESETTERS.EU.

PACESETTERS.EU has a built-in search function to search user profiles and user generated content and display it by different categories.

Administrators of PACESETTERS.EU have access to all information and metadata registered by users. Administrators do not have access to user passwords or messages sent through PACESETTERS.EU.

PACESETTERS.EU does not share personal information with other individuals, organisations or systems, even for the purpose of sending newsletters and surveys where consent has been given. We do not share email addresses beyond this and do not send advertising on behalf of others.

5. Data processing and storage

NTNU is the data controller for the personal data collected and used by PACESETTERS.EU. We comply with the Norwegian Personal Data Act and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when processing of personal data.

Only NTNU and the PACESETTERS consortium partners have access to the data collected through PACESETTERS.EU. PACESETTERS.EU and all related data is stored on servers operated by NTNU and leased from Hetzner Online GmbH. 

6. Deletion of data

You may delete your user account and all associated data from PACESETTERS.EU at any time. To do so, you must log in to the website. When a user is deleted, all related data, including announcements, events and metadata, will also be deleted.

PACESETTERS.EU also has an automatic deletion feature. If a user has not logged in for a year, the user will be deactivated and hidden from other users. The information is still stored on PACESETTERS.EU and will be reactivated the next time the user logs in. After three years of inactivity, the user will be permanently deleted. Email notifications will be sent before a user is deactivated/deleted.

7. Website data (cookies)

We use "cookies" technology. By using our website, you consent to our placing these on your browser.

Cookies are a standard technology used by most websites. A cookie is added to your browser's internal memory and allows us to better understand how the site is used. Most new browsers allow you to change the settings to block all or some types of cookies. Please note that many websites may not function optimally if you do this. The default setting is to accept cookies automatically.

PACESETTERS.EU uses the open source software tool Matomo analytics to collect anonymous user data. User statistics are used to improve and develop our services. Examples of statistics include how many people visit different pages, how long visits last, where visits come from and what technology is used. Matomo is not used to transmit data to servers outside of our control. The software runs on the servers of PACESETTERS.EU. Personal user data is only stored there. The data is not shared with third parties.

Our publishing solution, Drupal, also uses a cookie that starts with SESS when you log in. Without this, you will not be able to login to the site. Drupal also sets a "has_js" cookie to indicate that your browser supports JavaScript. The browser also remembers which role you have chosen for your next visit, so that you are automatically redirected to the Researchers or other roles landing page. Finally, the site uses a security cookie "_abck" related to newsletter subscription forms.

8. Your privacy rights

With the introduction of the Personal Data Act in 2018, you have gained more control over your personal data. Under the Act, you now have the right to amend or delete information we hold about you, or to request that processing is restricted or transferred to others. Below is a summary of your rights:

  • The right to know if your personal data is being processed.
  • The right to know what personal information we hold about you.
  • The right to rectify your personal information.
  • The right to have your personal information deleted (the right to be forgotten).
  • The right to restrict the processing of personal data.
  • The right to receive a copy of your data in a digital format (the right to data portability).
  • The right to withdraw consent.
  • Right to complain to the data protection authority.

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, we are required to respond within a reasonable time.

9. How to contact us

7491 Trondheim 
Telephone: (+47) 73 59 50 00 


Inquiries about PACESETTERS.EU can be sent to:  

You can also contact the 
Contact Data Protection Officer (DPO) at NTNU